Can life get any better for a sports fan in March/April? This is the prime season for talking sports.
March Madness + NHL playoffs + NBA playoffs + MLB Season Openers + The Masters (with Tiger Woods back in the mix) + NFL Draft = Many MANY sports-related conversations.
Whether you’re a avid sports enthusiast or my sister who once said, “I hope the Jets and Eagles never play each other – too much green uniforms on the field,” these Final Four Tips for talking sports in social settings are for you.
Know Before You Go (2:21)
Do you research
Sports = culture
Respect Rivalries (6:23)
Learn and appreciate team rivalries
Dear sports fanatics: Keep your rivalry amicable in professional settings
Don’t Overlook College Sports (10:39)
Many people live in non-professional sports geographies
Many people identify more with college teams than professional
Sports are A Family Affair (14:56)
Parents love to talk about their kids’ sports
Ask people about their personal and familial sports history